In 1992, SeniorsNL (previously known as the Seniors Resource Centre of Newfoundland and Labrador) brought together expertise from government and the community to form a committee to raise awareness of elder abuse and to share information about referral and intervention services.

The role of this committee, then called the Interagency Elder Abuse Committee, evolved to include overseeing SeniorsNL’s Elder Abuse projects. This included the development of a Speakers Bureau in 1996 to do presentations about elder abuse. In 2005, the committee developed a Strategic Plan to Address Elder Abuse in Newfoundland and Labrador and presented it to the provincial government. The plan made recommendations to both government and community around six key provincial elder abuse issues: elder abuse legislation; community response to elder abuse; public awareness and education; training and screening for service providers; caregiver support; and research.

In 2006, the Interagency Elder Abuse Committee changed its name to the Elder Abuse Committee of Newfoundland and Labrador (EACNL) to reflect its expanded membership and provincial structure. In 2010, EACNL received funding from the New Horizons for Seniors Program to develop into a provincial network. The inaugural meeting of the Newfoundland and Labrador Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse (NLNPEA) was held in October 2011. The Network is an integral part of SeniorsNL’s efforts to address elder abuse in our province.


To provide information and support to individuals and organizations (from both community and government) working to prevent elder abuse and/or provide services to those affected by this issue.

Mandate (under revision)
The mandate of the NLNPEA is to:

  1. Raise public awareness of elder abuse through the provision of information and by supporting activities associated with World Elder Abuse Awareness Day;
  2. Serve as a resource for information about referral and intervention services in Newfoundland and Labrador;
  3. Promote the implementation of the recommendations within the Strategic Plan to Address Elder Abuse in NL and other actions to address elder abuse as identified by the network membership;
  4. Liaise on a regional, provincial, and national level with other groups dealing with elder abuse issues to share information, facilitate partnerships, and provide input on matters of policy;
  5. Identify gaps in elder abuse services, information, and research, and work collaboratively with government departments, the Regional Health Authorities, and community groups to address them;
  6. Act in an advisory capacity for SeniorsNL elder abuse initiatives and support other initiatives that address elder abuse.

This mandate will be reviewed on an annual basis.


Older persons will live in safe, caring communities where there is zero tolerance of abuse. This will be fostered by community awareness, protective legislation, and coordinated, responsive programs and services aimed at preventing abuse and providing a range of options for those who experience abuse and the individuals who support them.

NLNPEA believes that: Older adults should be respected and valued and have the opportunity to be engaged in all aspects of society. This can be achieved through supporting respectful relationships, choice, collaboration, and lifelong learning.


NLNPEA members are individuals from government, organizations, agencies, associations, and the community who have a direct interest in addressing the issue of elder abuse. This includes representation from the four health authority regions in the province. Membership is free to any interested individual or group, but registration with the network is required.


NLNPEA meets several times a year.


The NLNPEA is part of SeniorsNL and ultimately reports back to the SeniorsNL Board of Directors. It is guided by the recommendations of a steering committee. The steering committee strives to reflect the diversity of NLNPEA’s member organizations and professions that deal with the issue of elder abuse and, when possible, will include several senior and community representatives, an ex officio government representative, one representative from each of the province’s four regional health authorities, a representative from the Royal Newfoundland Constabulary, a representative from the RCMP, the Executive Director of SeniorsNL, and one representative from the SeniorsNL Board of Directors, who will serve as the Chair of the Steering Committee and the NLNPEA. Ad hoc committees are formed as necessary and report to the Steering Committee. This governance structure is assessed annually.

Click here to view the NLNPEA Steering Committee Terms of Reference