NLNPEA Strategic Plan: June 15, 2012 to June 15, 2013

Strategic Directions

1. Heighten awareness of elder abuse and the resources available to support those affected by this issue.

Actions to support this:
  • Facilitate a minimum of 3 information/education sessions on elder abuse to community groups located outside of the Avalon Peninsula.
  • In partnership with the Senior Resource Centre of NL's Peer Support Volunteers and Caregiver groups, develop a training session to enhance their members' ability to provide information to others on the issue of elder abuse. These training sessions are to be delivered over the next three years, with at minimum of one training session to be held in the coming year.

2. Strengthen the NL Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse through: developing memberships and partnerships, promoting the network, and becoming more provincial in scope.

Actions to support this:
  • Initiate contact with new potential members/partners, with the goal of growing Network membership by 25% over the next year.
  • Hold 8 provincial meetings of the Network - one of which will be outside the Avalon Peninsula.

3. Develop Virtual Resources (

Actions to support this:
  • Update and expand the "Where to Get Help" contact/resource list on the NLNPEA website.
  • Partner with the Senior Resource Centre of NL's Peer Support Volunteers and Caregiver groups in NL to compile a presentation kit on issues related to elder abuse and make the kit available on the NLNPEA website.
  • Expand the resources section of the NLNPEA website, and in particular, highlight existing resources produced by members and other community groups and government agencies.

4. Identify gaps in elder abuse services, information, and research.

Actions to support this:
  • Prepare an annual report that highlights NLNPEA activities and summarizes gaps in elder abuse services, information, and research as identified by NLNPEA members, the public, and others at NLNPEA monthly meetings, community informational meetings, and through other NLNPEA activities.
  • Present on the NLNPEA's past elder abuse projects and encourage further research on elder abuse issues at the Aging Research in Newfoundland and Labrador: Achievements and Prospects Conference in September 2012.

5. Connect with regional, provincial, and national partners to share information and provide input on matters of policy.

Actions to support this:
  • Produce four quarterly NLNPEA newsletters.
  • Create a NLNPEA listserve to share information with interested members and partners.